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Chinese translation for "seasonal activity"


Related Translations:
seasonal:  adj.季节(性)的。adv.-ly
seasonal plan:  季度计划
seasonal lake:  季节潮季节湖季节性的湖泊季节性湖泊
seasonal disease:  季节病
seasonal model:  季节模型季节性模型
seasonal periodicity:  季节周期性
seasonal dimorphism:  季节二态性
seasonal estimates:  季节估计量
seasonal product:  季节性产品
seasonal cracking:  季节性破裂
Example Sentences:
1.In addition , to maximise the impact of the government s efforts in keeping hong kong clean , a thematic approach has been adopted for inter - departmental clean - up operations during different periods of the year to tie in with seasonal activities , such as harbour , beaches and coastal areas in summer , country parks and recreation areas in autumn as well as housing estates and public places and facilities in winter and spring
2.In addition , to maximise the impact of the government s efforts in keeping hong kong clean , a thematic approach has been adopted for inter - departmental clean - up operations during different periods of the year to tie in with seasonal activities , such as harbour , beaches and coastal areas in summer , country parks and recreation areas in autumn as well as housing estates and public places and facilities in winter and spring
此外,为使清洁行动收到最大成效,本署以不同的主题,联同其他部门,每季举行清洁活动,例如夏天清洁海港、泳滩及沿岸地区;秋天清洁郊野公园及康乐用地;冬天和春天则清洁屋? 、公众地方及设施。
3.F to collaborate with the governments efforts in keeping hong kong clean , a thematic approach has been adopted for inter - departmental clean - up operations during different periods of the year to tie in with seasonal activities , such as cleaning the harbour , beaches and coastal areas in summer ; country parks and recreation areas in autumn as well as housing estates and public places and facilities in winter and spring
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